December 2024
Martin Maier gives invited QAMSS Advanced Technology Lecture "6G Intelligentization: In Search of 'NaturAlien AI' for Exiting the Anthropocene" at the University of Cambridge, UK.
April 2024
Martin Maier gives invited guest lecture on “ ‘Born to be Wild’ – The Internet as Cybernetic Forest: How Bio-Inspired Human-AI Interaction Helps Us Exit the Anthropocene” at the Einstein Center Digital Future , Berlin, Germany.
April 2024
Martin Maier is Invited Speaker at the Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF)’s annual flagship event Huddle 2024 .
February 2024
Martin Maier gives "Distinguished Lecture on the Metaverse" and "Invited Seminar on Turing's vs. Licklider's Competing Visions for AI" at the Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA.
December 2023
Martin Maier receives the 2023 Technical Achievement Award of the IEEE Communications Society Tactile Internet Technical Committee for his contributions to 6G/NextG and the Design of Metaverse Concepts and Architectures
December 2023
Martin Maier, Nika Hosseini, and Minoo Soltanshahi receive the prestigious 2023 outstanding paper award of the IEEE Computer Society Bio-Inspired Computing Special Technical Community for their contributions to the Symbiosis of INTERnet and Human BEING (INTERBEING).
October 2023
Martin Maier presents Hong Kong's Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry - Prof the Hon Dong SUN, JP - a copy of his latest book "6G and Onward to Next G: The Road to the Multiverse."
October 2023
Martin Maier gives invited keynote "INTERBEING in the Next G Era: On the Symbiosis between INTERnet and Human BEING" at the 48th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), the premier conference on theoretical and practical aspects of computer networking.

April 2023
Martin Maier gives TV interview to NTD News about White House strategy plan for 6G and promotion of his new book "6G and Onward to Next G: The Road to the Multiverse."

February 2023
Sequel book on "6G and Onward to Next G: The Road to the Multiverse" authored by Martin Maier is now available.

November 2022
Martin Maier gives invited plenary talk "6G and Onward to Next G: The Road to the Metaverse and Beyond" at the 8th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things (WFIoT2022), Yokohama, Japan.
July 2022
Martin Maier presents invited paper "6G, Next G, and the Metaverse: Toward the Peak-Experience Machine" at IEEE/IET CSNDSP, Colloquium on FRONT-EDGE, Porto, Portugal.

May 2022
Martin Maier presents invited teaser talk "Blessing or Curse? Industry 4.0 and Where to Go From Here" at IEEE Tactile Internet Technical Committee Bi-Annual Meeting.

March 2022
Martin Maier gives interview to the newspaper La Presse on next-generation 6G mobile networks.
February 2022
Martin Maier gives invited keynote at the International Conference on Computing Science, Communication and Security, Mehsana, Gujarat, India.

December 2021
Abdeljalil Beniiche successfully defends his doctoral thesis on the design and investigation of advanced human-centred blockchain technologies for the 6G era.
June 2021
March 2021
January 2021
Worldwide first book on 6G co-authored by Amin Ebrahimzadeh and Martin Maier is available now.

October 2020
Amin Ebrahimzadeh is awarded the 2019-2020 Best Doctoral Thesis Prize of INRS for his research on the Tactile Internet.
July 2020
Amin Ebrahimzadeh has been selected by INRS for the provincial Prix d'Excellence de l'ADÉSAQ and national Prix d'Excellence de l'ACES for best doctoral thesis in natural sciences and engineering.
February 2020
Martin Maier gives keynote at the kick-off meeting of the national Spanish research consortium Go2Edge.
December 2019
Amin Ebrahimzadeh receives his PhD with distinction and is awarded a prestigious Horizon Postdoctoral Fellowship at Concordia University, Montréal, QC.
November 2019
June 2019
April 2019
March 2019
Invited paper on the Tactile Internet co-authored by Martin Maier and Amin Ebrahmizadeh is highlighted in Spotlight on Optics of the Optical Society of America (OSA).
October 2018
May 2018
Amin Ebrahimzadeh is awarded with the FRQNT doctoral research scholarship for pursuing his PhD studies on artificial intelligence (AI) enhanced multi-access edge computing (MEC). Amin was ranked fifth among a total of 19 candidates.
November 2017
Martin Maier is invited to join the European Science Foundation (ESF) College of Expert Reviewers.
October 2017
Martin Maier is invited as i4P Fellow to launch and shape the future agenda of the newly created World Innovation Organization (WIO) in New York City.
May 2017
May 2017
April 2017
Bhaskar Rimal successfully completes his PhD studies. Bhaskar will continue his academic career as Postdoctoral Fellow at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA.
March 2017
Martin Maier receives the prestigious Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Foundation for his research on FiWi enhanced networks for realizing the Tactile Internet vision.
The Bessel award is granted to internationally renowned academics in recognition of their outstanding accomplishments in research to date and their exceptional promise for the future.
November 2016
September 2016
June 2016
Martin Maier is invited to serve on the Advisory Council of the world’s first Innovation for Peace (i4P) initiative, which spreads design innovations that cascade through society, disrupt societal mindsets, and accelerate economic prosperity.
May 2016
The trans-disciplinary idea of the new FiWi Internet is presented as featured story at the World Summit on Innovation & Entrepreneurship at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, NY, USA.

May 2016
April 2016
Martin Maier is awarded the prestigious NSERC Discovery Accelerator to maximize the impact of the lab's research program on bringing the cloud to the edge in FiWi enhanced networks, which was highly rated in terms of originality and innovation.
April 2016
The Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation invites Martin Maier to serve as expert on the ICT review panel for the Ontario Research Fund research excellence programme.
March 2016
December 2015
Martin Maier is elected the new Vice Chair of the IEEE Technical Subcommittee on Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Integration.
October 2015
According to the most recent ranking of Research Infosource, INRS ranks 1st in Canada for research intensity. In Québec, it surpasses by more than 40% other universities. INRS comes 2nd among all Canadian universities for the impact of its publications and 3rd for publication intensity.
August 2015
May 2015
Martin Maier organizes "Workshop on Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Access Networks" to be held in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (ICUWB) in Montreal, Canada, October 4-7, 2015. See Call For Papers for further details.
May 2015
April 2015
Martin Maier gives seminar on FiWi moonshot perspectives at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Kista, Sweden.
April 2015
Dr. Hamzeh Beyranvand is awarded the FRQNT Merit Scholarship of Excellence for Foreign Postdoctoral Students.
February 2015
December 2014
Bell Canada selects Ahmed Belgana for Bell's competitive graduate leadership program.
November 2014
Martin Maier is reappointed as an Adjunct Professor at McGill University.
September 2014
Wansu Lim is appointed as Assistant Professor at Kumoh National Institute of Technology (KIT), Gyeongbuk, Korea.
August 2014
August 2014
Martin Lévesque receives the prestigious two-year Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
April 2014
Martin Lévesque is awarded a two-year scholarship by the provincial research agency FRQNT for his upcoming postdoctoral studies at the University of Pittsburgh, USA. Martin's application was ranked 4th.
April 2014
Bhaskar Prasad Rimal receives the Merit Scholarship of the FRQNT excellence programme for international students. Bhaskar's application was ranked 2nd out of 27 applications.
February 2014
Ahmed Belgana has won the Meritas Grand Prix of the Savoir Affaires Laurentides-Lanaudière.
January 2014
Cambridge University Press will be publishing a South Asian reprint edition of “Optical Switching Networks” to make the book more widely available in the South Asian market.
December 2013
Martin Maier gives interview on the dawning economic golden age of converging disruptive technologies in the 2020s.
September 2013
Martin Maier is invited to join the advisory board for the world's largest survey of connected vehicles carried out on behalf of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo (ICCVE), Las Vegas, NV, USA.
July 2013
Martin Maier is appointed to the advisory board of the startup Paid Traffic.
June 2013
Martin Maier gives interview to France Telecom/Orange on the Energy Internet and how the lab's research relates to Jeremy Rifkin's vision of a Third Industrial Revolution economy.
June 2013
Martin Lévesque receives scholarship from the inter-institutional Network of Excellence SYTACom of Québec for his 4-month internship at EDF R&D, Clamart, France.
May 2013
Martin Lévesque is selected to do a four-month research internship on advanced smart grid co-simulations at EDF R&D in Clamart, France.
March 2013
Martin Maier serves as guest editor of OSN special issue on PON supported networking for FiWi broadband access, smart grids, and CoMP in LTE-Advanced networks.
November 2012
In collaboration with, Martin Maier serves as international expert on fiber-wireless access networks to help Nature uncover serious case of plagiarism.
October 2012
Former PhD student Mohammad S. Kiaei was selected runner-up for the prestigious Governor General's Gold Medal Award at Concordia University.
October 2012
Research Infosource again ranks INRS number 1 among Canada's top 50 research universities in terms of research intensity.
July 2012
Cross-disciplinary think tank on reinvented networks is launched to provide an overarching framework for research activities of the Optical Zeitgeist Laboratory.

May 2012
Martin Maier is promoted to the rank of full professor at INRS.
April 2012
Martin Lévesque is awarded a doctoral scholarship from the research agency FQRNT of the province of Québec.
February 2012
New book on "FiWi Access Networks" authored by Martin Maier and Navid Ghazisaidi is now available. This is the first book on FiWi access networks filling the vast gap between countless optical and wireless broadband access network textbooks.

January 2012
Martin Maier is appointed as adjunct professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of McGill University for joint smart grid research and student co-supervision.
December 2011
Research Infosource ranks INRS number 1 among Canada's top 50 research universities in terms of research intensity.
November 2011
Martin Maier gives interview on the Energy Internet in Planète INRS.
October 2011
The federal Canadian research agency NSERC announces its financial support of the lab's visionary research on future low carbon society technologies through its prestigious Strategic Project Grant program over the next three years.
October 2011
Martin Maier is invited as panelist to the Colloque Annuel Réseau d'Informations Scientifiques du Québec (RISQ) to outline his vision on the future of broadband access networks.
August 2011
The World News (WN) Network,
a global leader in online news, features the hot docs of the Optical Zeitgeist Laboratory.
July 2011
July 2011
The article "The Road to Carrier-Grade Ethernet," co-authored by Kerim Fouli and Martin Maier, has been included as the one comprehensive reference on carrier Ethernet networks in the new edition of
Computer Networks, one of the most widely used computer networking textbooks at universities worldwide.
June 2011
Mohammad Kiaei is awarded the FQRNT International Internship scholarship to conduct research on advanced polling schemes for NG-PONs at the Arizona State University, Tempe, USA.
May 2011
Sarwarul Chowdhury is offered a doctoral scholarship to pursue his PhD studies on smart grid security at the University of Toronto, ON, Canada.
April 2011
April 2011
Navid Ghazisaidi is awarded the FQRNT Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for his work on FiWi broadband access networks. Navid's application was ranked first by the FQRNT committee for Information and Communications Technologies.
February 2011
Kerim Fouli successfully completes his PhD studies and joins as a postdoctoral fellow Prof. Muriel Médard's research group at MIT, Cambridge, USA.
December 2010
Optical Zeitgeist Laboratory as part of INRS becomes new member of the Ethernet Alliance.
December 2010
Navid Ghazisaidi finishes his research visit at Arizona State University and joins Ericsson, San Jose, CA, USA.
September 2010
New book on "Security in Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Broadband Access Networks" authored by Sarwarul Chowdhury is now available.

September 2010
Martin Maier is invited to serve as the Technical Program Committee Co-chair of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2012 Optical Networks and Systems Symposium, to be held in Ottawa, Canada, on June 10-15, 2012.
September 2010
Martin Maier is appointed to the Editorial Board of the Future Technology Research Association International (FTRAI) Journal of Convergence.
July 2010
Martin Maier is appointed to the Editorial Board of the International Scholarly Research Network (ISRN) Communications and Networking journal.
June 2010
Kerim Fouli is awarded the FQRNT Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for conducting research on next-generation access networks.
June 2010
April 2010
Martin Maier and Navid Ghazisaidi give opening talk about their recent
FiWi research at IEEE WCNC, workshop on integrated optical-wireless
networks, Sydney, Australia.
March 2010
Navid Ghazisaidi receives FQRNT International Internship scholarship for a
research visit at the Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
March 2010
Martin Maier is featured in the interview section of IET Electronics
Letters to talk about the motivations and future plans of the Optical
Zeitgeist Laboratory and its pioneering FiWi research.
February 2010
Cambridge University Press offers a contract to Martin Maier and Navid Ghazisaidi to co-author a book on their pioneering research on bimodal Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) networks and their vision for future-proof broadband access networks.
December 2009
Kerim Fouli receives NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement scholarship for conducting research on next-generation PONs (NG-PONs) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA.
October 2009
Navid Ghazisaidi is selected by the Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Berlin, Germany,
as a visiting researcher to collaborate on integrated fiber-wireless (FiWi) access networks.
September 2009
Martin Maier is invited to serve on the Editorial Board of the Elsevier Computer Communications journal.
June 2009
New book on "Broadband Access Networks: Technologies and Deployments" co-edited by Abdallah Shami, Martin Maier, and Chadi Assi is now available.

April 2009
New book on "Equalization Advantages of OFFH-CDMA over WDM in EDFAs" authored by Kerim Fouli is now available.

April 2009
The book "Optical Switching Networks" authored by Martin Maier is now available also in Japanese.

April 2009
Martin Maier gives an interview to the research magazine Découvrir on the group's pioneering work on bimodal Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) broadband access networks.
April 2009
Martin Maier together with his colleagues Michael McGarry from University of Akron and Martin Reisslein from Arizona State University receive the prestigious 2009 IEEE Communications Society Best Tutorial Paper Award for their work on EPON architectures and DBA algorithms.
November 2008
Japanese publisher Maruzen concludes an agreement for a Japanese language edition of the book "Optical Switching Networks" authored by Martin Maier.
October 2008
March 2008
Kerim Fouli wins prestigious NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS) for his PhD studies on optical coding enhanced access and metro networks.
February 2008
New book on "Optical Switching Networks" authored by Martin Maier is now available.
