The Optical Zeitgeist Laboratory was approved and funded
by the federal Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) through its Leaders
Opportunity Fund and the provincial Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du
Sport (MELS) of Québec. The laboratory is located at the Institut National de la
Recherche Scientifique (INRS) in the heart of downtown Montréal.
FiWi Lab

Crossbow/MEMSIC wireless sensors for electric power, temperature, humidity and light monitoring.
Cloudlet/MEC Lab
The cloudlet/MEC lab is a small-scale Infrastructure-as-a Service (IaaS) cloud. The goal of the lab is to investigate potential open issues in the area of cloudlet/MEC integrated FiWi broadband access networks. In particular, the lab aims at developing and analyzing various cloud solutions at the edge of FiWi networks.
One of the potential application areas of cloudlet/MEC integrated FiWi broadband access networks is virtual reality (VR). While VR has the potential to bring many advantages, there exist a few fundamental issues to be tackled. In particular, high bandwidth and ultra-low latency are essential requirements for a truly immersive VR experience in converged FiWi broadband access networks.
Tactile Internet Lab
The Tactile Internet lab investigates real-time human-to-robot (H2R) communications systems, where humans can control real or virtual objects remotely over the Internet with ultra-low latency and ultra-high reliability. The overarching goal of the lab is to foster research activities that provide a deeper understanding of how machines (computers, robots) can help humans solve hard problems by using machines as complements for humans, rather than substitutes.
Smart Grid Lab
The smart grid lab is a scaled down low-voltage 13-node power distribution network used for developing and analyzing various new smart grid solutions. Network parameters, such as resistance and inductance, are scaled down by using a per unit approach. Multiple power metrics (voltage, current, etc.) are periodically sensed at the sub-second level at each node, whereby the local consumption is controlled by means of nanocomputers and fiber-wireless communications technologies. The set-up can be used to investigate coordinated and distributed smart grid algorithms, e.g., plug-in electric vehicle charging or smart microgrid coordination algorithms.
The Optical Zeitgeist Laboratory hosts the following cutting-edge networking and
test and measurement equipment.
2 x NetFPGA PreBuilt Quad Core - CUBE
Erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA)-
1 x MPB R35W preamplifier 1530-1565 nm
- 1 x MPB P21F gain flattened amplifier
100 GHz AWG
- 1 x 8x8 wavelength router
- 1 x 4x4 wavelength router
- 1 x 1x4 multiplexer
- 8 x 1x8 multiplexer