The Optical
Zeitgeist Laboratory aims at providing insights into technologies,
protocols, and algorithms shapening the future of optical networks and
their seamless integration with next-generation wireless broadband
access networks. The research activities not only address the technical
challenges and opportunities of bimodal optical-wireless networks but
also explore their societal benefits and potential to create new
unforeseen services and applications as we are about to enter the
Petabyte age. As part of the University of Québec, the laboratory is
instrumental in attracting the brightest graduate students and
postdoctoral fellows from around the world and promote collaborations
between scientists, engineers, institutions, and companies in Canada
and abroad.


The Optical Zeitgeist Laboratory was approved and funded by the federal
Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) through its Leaders Opportunity
Fund and the provincial Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport
(MELS) of Québec. The laboratory is located at the Institut National de
la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) in the heart of downtown Montréal.
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As the research arm of the University of
Québec, INRS provides excellence in
research as well as graduate and
postgraduate education.
The research team is headed by
Prof. Martin Maier, the founder and
creative director of the Optical
Zeitgeist Laboratory.
The research activities rethink the
role of optical networks and explore
novel applications of optical networking
concepts and technologies across
emerging multidisciplinary domains.
INRS provides high-level education of
graduate students and postdoctoral
fellows and training of highly qualified
personnel in telecommunications
networks and other related areas.